Point-of-care solutions for the molecular detection of viruses and proteins
The innovative driving force of ICHORtec
ICHORtec’s innovative strength is based on “point-of-care” and
“point-of-use” solutions. The entrepreneurial goals are the establishment, development and exploitation of new diagnostic and molecular processes for biological and medical applications.
The innovative method “Fluorimetry of Molecular Binding-FMB®” can be used for the specific detection of nucleic acids and biomarkers.
Our research, development, and industrial implementation activities at our Berlin location are conducted in close collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research (IAP) and are supported by funding from the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as well as the Investment Bank Berlin.
Early, accurate
and effective identification of diseases
The Innovative Environment of ICHORtec
With the FMB® method we offer the possibility to be a step ahead of other providers. ICHORtec’s innovative environment also offers a complete workflow – from the initial discovery of a new virus or mutant, through the production of test kits, to bioinformatic evaluation – all from a single source.